
EFT Online Tapping

New! Accredited EFT Animal Courses - General Interest or Practitioner

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EFT ' live 'Online Tapping

Welcome to EFT Online Tapping website where Marie Holliday is your Accredited Master Trainer of Trainers and aims to guide you through the process of learning EFT ( Emotional Freedom Techniques) 'live' online here. Marie has been a Trainer of Trainers with EFT International (EFTi) association for many years and is passionate about training you in this simple technique yet which has multi skills which she will ensure you learn either for your own use or studying towards professional Practitioner status.

Marie uses EFT or 'tapping' as it is often known virtually every day and finds it a self empowering technique that helps with everything from stress, anxiety, fears, worries through to pain management and can help in serious health complaints. Marie found it was 'life saving' for her and finds it has changed many people's lives since her introduction to it and people she has trained or clients she has worked with and you can read more about Marie and her own story behind EFT here.

This is an exciting time where EFT International has permitted Trainers to teach EFT 'live' online and Marie is committed to your own journey with this technique as it has only been possible in the past through in person training courses. Marie can assure you that the training will be equal to in person as Trainers with EFTi, they are required to perform to the same high standards and quality with learning outcomes and syllabus competencies.

Marie is an Official EFT International Mentor where you can book your sessions here, as the required 6 hours by EFTi.

Read more about EFTi here and Marie welcomes you to her 'live' online training courses!

Marie additionally hosts her own Speciality Workshops on EFT with Animals and EFT with Serious Illness.