
EFT Online Tapping

New! Accredited EFT Animal Courses - General Interest or Practitioner

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Meet Your Trainer, Marie Holliday.

Welcome to EFT Online Tapping with Marie Holliday, Master Trainer of Trainers & Mentor with EFT International. Meet your Trainer for your 'live' online courses and find out why Marie uses EFT virtually every day and just simply wants to share this amazingly simple yet in depth technique with you.

Turn back the clock, approximately 16 years ago, when Marie had a brain haemorrhage that was life changing. Following a week in intensive care, she could virtually work, felt constantly ill with side effects of extreme dizziness and nausea, low self esteem and no confidence. She literally 'happened' across a local hypnotherapist who said 'why not try this tapping?'.  She took a small diagram away and tapped on herself very basically for 2 days and then recovered! What seemed like a miracle then has been proven to her time and time again that a balanced body has the ability to start healing itself.

Marie studied for years under Gary Craigs' program and exams, practicing wherever and whenever she could. Eventually, she specialised in serious illness and EFT where her skills developed more and more.

Joining as a volunteer for 6 years and working with AAMET International, now EFT International, as their Training Director & on the Executive Board was Maries' way of giving back to the EFT community and hopefully spreading the word and constantly reviewing and upgrading the training and the systems, documentation etc during this time. Marie had previously been a Trainer of Trainers with the Chamber of Commerce and understood completely the value of quality syllabus and training standards.You can read more about EFT International here and view Marie's membership at  EFT International™ . Marie is delighted to offer her skills, experience and share wholeheartedly with you at whatever level you decide to join her.

Marie has lived in Spain over 30 plus years now, on a finca with her animal companions and her partner, Stuart. She hosts two energy events annually in the UK, showcasing international speakers sharing their energy techniques, holistic practices, research etc, one of them being the World Energy Conference & the other in its seventh year, the Animal Energy World Conference.

Marie developed her EFT skills over 7 years ago, working and specialising with animals particularly with EFT. Her other website, the Animal Energy World will give you an insight into this speciality here.

There is so much you probably need to ask Marie about your training, so please feel free to browse the website pages and if you have more questions then contact here at no obligation here.  

And for an overview of EFT training levels, then visit here.

Marie introducing EFT & your courses