EFT Internationalâ„¢ Association
Marie is proud to be a member of EFT International™ (EFTi), formerly known as AAMET International, as one of the largest learning providers of Emotional Freedom Techniques worldwide. Marie is a Master Trainer of Trainers of many years and loves to train ethically through this professional association. Marie offers EFTi Certificates of Attendance at each level and if you wish to persue your studying to a professional career then EFTi provides accredited certification as an external body.
Certification with EFTi is recognised and respected worldwide.
As a Master Trainer of Trainers, Marie will be offering the following as a member and Master Trainer of Trainers of EFTi:
- Syllabus & competencies at all course levels
- Professionally qualified training
- Learning outcome based
- Accredited courses
- Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct
- Trainers contractual agreement with EFTi
- Annual membership with EFTi to maintain her status
- Annual mentoring to maintain her professional status
- Professionally approved EFTi Mentor
Marie was previously a volunteer with AAMET International (now EFTi) for over 6 years, being heavily involved in training programs, updates, introducing new systems, upgrades and constantly working to improve the professional standing of EFTi, in her position as the Training Director and on the Executive Board.
In previous employment, Marie was a Trainer with the Chamber of Commerce, West Yorkshire and other training providers where she studied years to become a trainer with City & Guilds and her knowledge, skills and expertise of over 16 years with EFT make a perfect combination to provide you with a successful and enjoyable outcome to your EFT experience.
You can view Marie at EFT International™ which is a unique, not-for-profit global association, UK registered charity number 1176538.