
EFT Online Tapping

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EFT Online Tapping Blog

The Energy Exchange Photograph Technique

Marie presented The Energy Exchange Photograph Technique in 2011, at an EFT Masterclass Conference, after discovering how photographs worked at multi levels. This technique developed over many years working with clients on a host of issues from bereavement, serious illness, relationship issues, sel…

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EFT & Yoga with 'OM Tapping'

EFT can be used as a stand alone technique or indeed combined beautifully with other techniques and therapies.

Over the many years of teaching & using EFT within my practice, I have been involved in many different areas of adapting or using EFT in this area.


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EFT Spain 'Tapping into Health' Blog

Welcome to EFT Spain 'Tapping into Health' Blog where Marie aims to keep you updated with courses and lots of useful information including her monthly blog on the A to Z of EFT .

Join Marie's Blog to learn more about how you can use Tapping!

Thank you for joining her.





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