Emotional Freedom Techniques has its roots in Traditional Chinese Methods and dates back over 5,000 years. Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT evolved from the same concepts as acupuncture, which uses needles on points on the body along lines or pathways called meridians. This was combined with focusing on a specific issue or problem and ‘tapping’ with fingers on acupoints. However no needles are used. Emotional Freedom Techniques is classed as a Cousin to Acupuncture or a DIY (Do It Yourself) Technique.
Here is an interesting historical background to EFT and brings us to where we are to-day with EFT. About 5,000 years ago the Chinese discovered a complex system of energy circuits or meridians that run through the body which historically acupoints have been used throughout the ages and here are some examples. Use of the meridians was first described in the book The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, written in China. The ancient Chinese believed that there is a universal life energy called Chi or Qi present in every living creature. This energy is said to circulate throughout the body along specific pathways that are called meridians. As long as this energy flows freely throughout the meridians, health is maintained, but once the flow of energy is blocked, the system is disrupted and pain and illness occur. Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used medical procedures throughout the world. We will see how these disruptions along the meridians can be unblocked with EFT allowing the energy to flow freely, helping to restore normal functions and bringing emotional as well as physical benefits.
Surprisingly, the first physical evidence of acupuncture was found in Europe and not China. In 1991 "The Ice Man" (named Otzi) was discovered in the Italian Alps along the Austrian border. This was a 5,300-year-old mummified man that was frozen and amazingly well preserved. On his body were over 50 preserved "tattoos". They were in a complex system of bluish-black marks along his back, his right knee and left ankle. The locations of many of these "tattoos" are precisely where acupuncture points and meridians are; notably the 'master point for back pain'. It was thought that this man suffered from back pain, and that was confirmed with multiple x-rays that showed acute arthritis in the lumbar spine. Overall, he was in very good health, 45 years old, and died suddenly. Subtle energies were discovered that run through the body and were mapped out all those years ago. These subtle energies are used in acupuncture resulting in EFT and acupuncture being considered cousins.
In more recent years Dr Roger Callahan introduced the original procedures known as TFT or the Callahan Technique. They were then more recently refined by Gary Craig, a student of Callahan's, into the simple version we know as EFT or 'tapping' as it is simply known nowadays.
EFT can be used by professionals and lay people alike. Imbalances in the body's energy system have profound effects on the personal psychology and health. When EFT is applied to certain points on the meridian lines, the imbalances are generally corrected and a balanced body has the ability to help heal itself.
EFT simply requires tapping on several points on the face, hand & upper torso with fingers to offer relief from a variety of symptoms. Tapping with fingers on the acupoints to offer relief on many issues using 'specific' phrases to describe your issue eg: 'this throbbing pain'. Once tapping has started the meridians or energy/electrical system we have just like our blood system ,nervous system, endocrine system etc. has the ability to start balancing out any disruptions or blockages in this system.
Watch Marie's short video here & download her complimentary EFT Book here.
EFT Research & How does EFT work?
Using EFT for nearly 23 years, there is so much research available now, that we didn't have all those years ago and it is now, one of the most researched techniques in the world. We are looking at so many areas that EFT works with such as neuroplasticity, the primo vascular system, gene expression change in DNA, stress reduction technique and endless amounts of facts now, that we never had before.
DR Peta Stapleton from Australia, is one of the world's leading research experts with EFT and has some great videos and factual downloads that you really need to look at. These are all free and yes you have to sign up but it is so worthwhile as she explains everything, way better than Marie can.
Here is Dr Peta's link.
Meet Marie